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Lambton College UFred Partner

Creating New Opportunities with Lambton College

Lambton College has partnered with the University of Fredericton (UFred) to provide online health and safety education. Through this partnership, Lambton College students can enroll in the Certificate in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Systems (COHSES) program. This self-paced, fully-online program will provide a pathway to becoming an established occupational health and safety (OHS) professional. Lambton College graduates will receive both a Lambton College Board of Governors certificate and a University of Fredericton Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety.

What is COHSES?

UFred considers the Certificate in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Systems (COHSES) program to be a part of the pathway to becoming an established OHS professional. Graduates of the program learn how to bridge the gap and effectively communicate their plans at both the worker level and the managerial and executive level. Most students find that their ability to identify, prioritize, and manage workplace risks improves while still studying, resulting in significant opportunities to apply their knowledge in real-time. COHSES students hoping to become certified OHS professionals also begin to fulfill BCRSP-mandated educational requirements.

COHSES consists entirely of self-paced material. Students can progress through the program at any time of day from home, work, or even on the road, which demands minimal compromise to one’s lifestyle. The University of Fredericton believes that online education offers flexibility unknown to the traditional classroom model, allowing our students to study without making concessions.

All courses in the COHSES program focus on a process-based approach to Occupational Health and Safety. The curriculum is not limited to a jurisdiction’s legislative framework; instead, it is a far-reaching collection of best practices identified by OHS professionals from a wide range of jurisdictions and legislative backgrounds.

The course content is built of various frameworks, blueprints, and body of knowledge documents, using the International Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations Global Framework as the foundation piece. The curriculum aligns with many external designation bodies, such as the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health. It includes materials based on blueprints from the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP), the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), and the Australian Institute of Safety and Health (AISH).

COHSES program

About the College

Since 1966, Lambton College has been committed to helping students succeed in their education, career, and life goals. They take great pride in giving personal attention to the professional future of each student. Their work in applied research, technology, health, international programming, social projects, and new sectors such as the bio-industry and esports continue to exceed all expectations. At their core, they provide opportunities for innovation at every turn, rigorous quality in their programs and services, and energy put into the things they value most.

About the University

The University of Fredericton (UFred) is a fully-online, degree-granting institution offering certificate, diploma, and degree programs. Founded and based in Fredericton, New Brunswick, UFred takes exceptional pride in its offering of innovative, relevant online education that emphasizes leadership development and lifelong learning. UFred offers a unique online learning experience that supports the academic and professional goals of its constituents. Through approachable, friendly support and service, we are devoted to creating student success.

Ready to Begin?

Get started on the application process by contacting one of our Program Advisors.