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WCB Alberta UFred Partner

Creating New Opportunities in Alberta

The University of Fredericton (UFred) is pleased to announce a partnership agreement with the Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta (WCB-Alberta). The partnership aims to provide psychological health and wellness training to various employer communities within the province of Alberta. UFred will provide online psychological health and safety certificate programs at the basic, advanced, and managerial levels and course modules based on enhancing workplace resiliency to environmental stressors.

UFred’s Commitment to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

UFred has long prided itself on being a leading educator of OHS professionals in Canada and abroad through our fully-online curriculum. With an emphasis on process-based learning and skills, our programs have been specifically designed to enhance your ability to apply OHS knowledge to any workplace environment you may find yourself in while simultaneously enhancing your workplace leadership abilities.

Developed in consultation with an extensive number of leading OHS professionals, our programs help students learn to identify, prioritize and manage workplace risks, poising them to more effectively contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of their organizations.

Alberta Aims to Reduce

The goal of this initiative is to reduce costs related to sick time and time away from work that is exacerbated by mental illness and mental health issues. Also to reduce stigma as it relates to mental health in the workplace.

Encourage and Reach Employees

We aim to encourage employees to seek support as required. Also, proactively reach employees before psychological health and safety issues become systemic, and; enhance the experience of WCB-Alberta constituents by providing training at the right time, when it is needed, and in a flexible delivery format.

Alberta Only

This training is available only to workers who are both employed by Alberta employers and who live and work in Alberta. Eligible parties are able to register below.

Why Invest in OHS?

Safety is now recognized as an essential component of an organization’s overall health. Employers need safety advisors who can provide credible advice on central questions like safety program design, operational risk assessment, incident investigation and analysis, environmental management, and more. Without formal academic and professional credentials, safety professionals may now find themselves to be at a distinct disadvantage. Modern safety practitioners who continuously pursue knowledge through OHS education have a healthier understanding of larger questions around corporate culture, relationship-based leadership, the significance of leadership in an OHS role, and stakeholder engagement than in the past.

PHS Programs

Ready to Begin?

Centered around the provision of psychological health and wellness training to various employer communities within the province of Alberta, this training includes theory and application. Established by UFred Content Developers and Faculty, who represent Canada’s foremost experts in psychological health and safety education, these programs place emphasis on content related to the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, how to manage psychological health issues at work and on worker resiliency.

UFred’s approach to the design and development of the required training is aimed to enhance participant engagement through interactivity and the use of rich media, as well as a user-friendly educational learning experience that is delivered on-demand.

The form below allows organizations to register and submit payment for up to 24 individuals. For registration of 25 or more individuals, or if you experience any issues submitting this form, please click here for assistance.

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