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Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board UFred Partner

Creating New Opportunities in the Yukon

The Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board (YWCHSB) has partnered with the University of Fredericton (UFred) to provide online psychological health and safety certificate programs at a significantly reduced rate. The goal of the partnership is to take a proactive approach to workplace psychological health and safety. The initiative supports YWCHSB’s strategic vision that all Yukoners participate in a culture of safety and prevention of psychological injury.

UFred’s Commitment to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Psychological Health & Safety concerns everyone, and we can all do our part. Organizations need to learn to mitigate PHS issues that arise in the modern workplace, leaders need to be able to evaluate their own awareness, and all employees need to buy into the personal responsibilities necessary in a psychologically safe workplace.

UFred offers certificate programs for individuals interested in managing and implementing PHS concepts at the Basic, Managerial, and Advanced levels. Through the Centre for Psychological Health Sciences, UFred delivers individual courses aimed at educating employees on how to prepare and be responsible. All PHS courses are available completely online and are self-paced.

Yukon Aims to Reduce

The goal of this initiative is to reduce costs related to sick time and time away from work that is exacerbated by mental illness and mental health issues.

Be Proactive

The goal of the partnership is to take a proactive approach to workplace psychological health and safety. This means ensuring Yukon workers and employers have access to the tools necessary to prevent psychological injuries, minimizing mental health stigma, encouraging employees struggling with mental health to seek support when required, and encouraging employers to gain the knowledge necessary to provide support.

Yukon Only

This training is available only to workers who are both employed by Yukon employers and who live and work in Yukon. Eligible parties are able to register below.

Why Invest in PHS?

Over 6.7 million, or 1 in 5, Canadians are affected by mental and psychological health issues each and every year. Addressing workplace psychological health and safety is an essential part of an organization’s overall health strategy. Our convenient, flexible delivery method allows you to learn more about mental health without interrupting your career.

The Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace programs are the first in Canada to be delivered completely online with a specific focus on the new National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the National Standard). The programs were developed by Dr. Joti Samra, R. Psych., a member of the Technical Committee that developed the National Standard.

PHS Programs

Ready to Begin?

Centered around the provision of psychological health and wellness training to various employer communities within the Yukon, this training includes theory and application. Established by UFred Content Developers and Faculty, who represent Canada’s foremost experts in psychological health and safety education, these programs place emphasis on content related to the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, how to manage psychological health issues at work and on worker resiliency.

UFred’s approach to the design and development of the required training is aimed to enhance participant engagement through interactivity and the use of rich media, as well as a user-friendly educational learning experience that is delivered on-demand.

The form below allows organizations to register and submit payment for up to 24 individuals. For registration of 25 or more individuals, or if you experience any issues submitting this form, please click here for assistance.

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