Why earning an MBA online does not mean learning alone

Earning your MBA is a big decision. It’s a sizable investment of both time and money. Like most people, you probably have a full-time job, and other commitments that make going back to school seem impossible.

Fortunately, many accredited online MBA programs now allow working professionals to get their degrees while maintaining their daily obligations and routines. However, even with online programs, some people are hesitant to enroll because they think they will be learning alone. At UFred, nothing could be further from the truth.

When earning your MBA online, you learn alongside other students in the same position as you—our students have full-time jobs and growing careers, families, social commitments, and all the other demands that come with living a busy life. While students may be located across Canada and worldwide, they remain connected to classmates and professors through the unique technology UFred leverages to ensure that the distance between them doesn’t inhibit their learning experiences.

While you may think online education is isolating, at UFred, we ensure that it isn’t. Here are six ways that your program will ensure that you’re not alone when getting your MBA online:

1. You’ll never have to study alone

One of the best things about getting your MBA online is that you’ll never have to learn alone. There are plenty of opportunities to connect with other students in your program, whether through discussion forums, group projects, virtual classes, or online networking. If you ever need help understanding a concept or assignment, you can always contact your classmates or professors for guidance.

2. You’ll get different perspectives on course material

When you’re learning with a community of other students, you’ll get different perspectives on the course material that can help you better understand the concepts you’re studying. For example, suppose you’re struggling to see how a particular theory applies to real-world business situations. In that case, another student in your program could share their own experiences that shed some light on the matter.

3. You’ll build a network of professional contacts

As you progress through your online MBA program, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with other students from different geographies who are also working professionals. This provides an excellent opportunity to build up your professional network.

4. When you’re in an online program, you still regularly interact with your professors

Our online MBA program offers synchronous courses, which means you log in at a scheduled time to attend live lectures or discussion sessions led by your professor. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions, get clarification on assignments, and build relationships with your instructors.

5. In addition to interacting with your professors, you’ll also be spending a lot of time interacting with your classmates—after all, group projects are a staple of business school

These interactions will give you valuable insights into how different people approach problems and situations. You’ll also get feedback on your work from people who can help make you better at what you do.

6. As part of the program, you also have access to virtual libraries and tools that you can use to further your education.

So even if you are learning remotely, you are not without tools and support.

Getting an online MBA is a great way to further your career without sacrificing your current job or lifestyle. When you choose an online MBA program with a community of learners, you will have access to a supportive community of peers and professors.

If you’re ready to begin UFred’s MBA program, it’s as easy as completing the application form to initiate the process. If you still have questions about the online learning experience, one of our Program Advisors would be happy to answer your questions. An advisor can be reached at information@ufred.ca or by phone at 1-877-454-6232 ext. 1.